Physiotherapy, Yoga and Naturopathy (Phyona) Facilities
Another speciality of SDM Ayurveda Hospital is the multidisciplinary approach for the management of clinical conditions which are proven effective with such approaches. This multidisciplinary approach utilises the goodness of Panchakarma pre procedures along with Physiotherapy, Naturopathy and Yoga customised as per the patient’s diagnosis reports and condition.
All the techniques commonly used by Physiotherapists such as Joint mobilization, soft tissue massage, triggers point therapy, ultrasound, TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), stretching and strengthening exercises are employed in the unit. All of the above techniques aid faster recovery of joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons to function better.
Facilities available in our Physiotherapy Unit
- Interferential therapy (IFT)
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
- Muscle stimulator
- Ultra sound therapy (US)
- Traction Unit
- Hot moist pack unit
- Shoulder exercises
- Parallel bars, steps and ramp – for gait training
- Treadmill
- Cross trainer
- Other exercise therapy equipments
The healing powers of nature are utilized in the form of Natural healing techniques. Naturopathy advocates that the accumulation of toxins in the body is the root cause of all ailments. Panchabhuta – the five great elements of nature are utilized in this form of treatment which is found to have immense healing potential.
Facilities available at our hospital are
- Earth – Mud baths, Hot mud packs , Ganji turmeric bath
- Water – Immersions and enema
- Air – Reflexology walks, Breathing exercises, Outdoor walking
- Fire – Oil baths and Dry and Oil based Fomentation therapies
- Ether – Fasting therapy- fruits, vegetables and herbal juices
Other Treatments available:
- Oriental healing techniques such as Acupressure and Acupuncture – for management of pain, metabolic disorders and infertility.
- Naturopathy diet – specific for Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension, special fruit diets and juice diets
These approaches help in degenerative and chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, chronic and allergic respiratory problems, gastro-intestinal problems and hypertension.
Yoga facility
Yoga practice helps in overall personality development of an individual on physical, mental, spiritual, intellectual and emotional levels by performing asanas, pranyamas, kriyas and meditations. The hospital has a spacious and serene Yoga hall.
The hospital aims to provide the benefits of Yoga to health seekers.
Facilities available:Morning Session: Pain management Yoga – 7 am – 8:30 amEvening session: Dynamic yoga/Power Yoga – 4 pm – 5 pm for Obesity & fitnessIndividual yoga- Half an hour session – customized program

Panchakarma is the super speciality department of Ayurveda which deals with the treatment modalities like Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana and all types of various Bahya-snehana, Swedana procedures including Keraleeya Panchakarma.
Panchakarma is the major section of the hospital, has many treatment sections with heavy rush all the time. All type of classical and keraleeya Panchakarma procedure are done in hospital by Specially trained Panchakarma Technicians under the supervision of Panchakarma Consultants and Resident Medical officers for better outcome.
Panchakarma procedure units has been made according the convenient of the patients and their affordability as,
General Panchakarma Unit for Male and Female at 1st floor,
Special panchakarma units for Male and Female at 2nd floor,
Deluxe Panchakarma Units for Male and Female at 5th floor,
Cottage Panchakarma units for VVIP patients at 6th floor,
All the Panchakarma Procedures are carried out For convenience further it has been made two more branches like Paediatric Panchakarma, and Swastha Panchakarma
Speciality treatments
Our department is focussing treatments for various elements from Paediatrics to Geriatrics specially Ortho cases like Osteoarthritis, Frozen shoulder, Brachial neuralgia, Ligament tear, Muscular Sprain and strains, Avascular necrosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, etc. Neuromuscular cases like Muscular disease like Myalgia, Muscular Dystrophies, Spine disorders like Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, spondylitis, sciatica, Neuralgia etc .
Brain disorders like Cerebrovascular diseases like Paralysis, paraplegia, Parkinson’s diseases, Dementia etc. And also, common conditions like Respiratory disorders, Skin diseases, Gastrointestinal disorders Allergy, Infertility etc conditions.
To develop innovative teaching methods and resources.
Swasthavrittha Department deals with life style disorders and aims towards health promotion through Yoga , Naturopathy and dietetics.A comprehensive approach towards the ailment is adopted through treatment regimen.
Wellness Package
The basic principle of swasthavritta is to help the people to maintain their health in this regard Wellness package is being introduced for the betterment of public. This wellness package includes the different rejuvenating panchakarma and naturopathy treatment along with yoga and special consultation in different department. Prakruti of the individual will be assessed and accordingly the diet is prescribed for them. It is available in 4, 6 and 8 days.
Obesity Package
Presently due to life style changes people are suffering from obesity. Obesity in turn leads to a lot of other diseases and this condition can be treated with proper diet and lifestyle changes. In this regard obesity package is introduced for 10 days including panchakarma treatment, naturopathy treatment, acupuncture, yoga & naturopathy diet.
Yoga Facilities
- Individual Yoga Session: Specialized yoga session depending on the different diseases.
- Daily sessions for the inmates as well as public is conducted which include Morning Session: Pain management Yoga – 7 am – 8:30 am & Evening session: Dynamic yoga/Power Yoga – 4 pm – 5 pm for Obesity & fitness
- Pranayama session and Yoga nidra session
- Kriyas like Trataka, Jala neti & Sutra neti
OPD Section
Swasthavrittha Department deals with life style disorders and aims towards health promotion through Yoga, Naturopathy and dietetics. A comprehensive approach towards the ailment is adopted through treatment regimen.
- Treatment of lifestyle disorders mainly Obesity.
- Diet advises specific for the disease condition.
- Analyzing the Prakruti (Nature/ Physical & Mental constitution) of an individual.
- Life style modifications are taught to prevent manifestation of disorders.
Inpatient Information
- PATHYAHARA UNIT – Specialized diet section, where therapeutic diet is supplied to the patients in accordance with the condition